Custom Service Code
Custom Service Code is user-written code that can be added to a service to be executed after data has been extracted.
To add Custom Service Code to a service:
Click on a service box to open the Manage Service view.
On the Manage Service view, click on Add Utility.
- Scroll down to the Utilities section, and select Custom Code. 4.
<figure><img src="../../.gitbook/assets/image (9).png" alt=""><figcaption></figcaption></figure>
The Custom Code service box will appear within the parent service box.
To start writing Custom Code, click on the Scripting button.
The code editor view will appear. The code can be written in the Code tab.
The code language can be selected from the dropdown box.
The imports required to write the code, can be added from the Imports tab.
To compile the code, click on Save.
Compilation Results are shown at the bottom of the Code Editor.
- The code will execute after the batch of documents have been processed