User Groups

To view the User Groups page select the User Groups navigation item from the main navigation menu.

Create a new User Group

In the User Groups page click on the top row that reads Click here to add a new User Group.

  • Enter a Name for the new user group.
  • Select the user group Type.
  • Click on Save Changes to save and create your new User Group.

Manage Group Users

To manage a User Group, click on the Manage Group Users button.

This will list the access rights each User has to a specific Project and / or Service.

To link a new User to a specific Project or Service, search for users by name via the Search Users function. Check all relevant users and click on Accept.

In the Select Roles dialog select the desired access level/s to assign to the selected user/s and click Accept.

In the following dialog select the Project that the selected user/s will be given access to.\

(Optional) In the following dialog select the Service that the selected user/s will be given access to. If a user should receive access to all Services in the selected Project, select the No Selection option.