Manage your shared service

Edit your shared service

  1. From the Service Detail View click on Share on marketplace.
  2. You can change any of the details of your shared service.
    1. Service Name: Change the name used to identify your service on the marketplace. Default: Your service’s current name.
    2. Short Description: Change the short description of your service. This is visible in the marketplace. Default: Your service’s current description.
    3. Detailed Description: Change the detailed description used to further describe your service and its intended use. (Optional)
    4. Preview Images: Upload or remove some images to showcase the data types handled by your service. It’s good to include examples of results. (Optional)
    5. Service Charges: Add credit charges to the usage of your shared service. Any charges made to users of your service are credited to your available credit balance.
    6. Reviews and Ratings: View ratings and reviews from users of your shared service.
    7. Click on Save to publish your changes to the marketplace

Unshare your service

  1. From the Service Detail View click on Share on marketplace.
  2. Click on Remove from Marketplace to remove and unshare your service from the marketplace.