👓 AI Services


AI services in AIForged are first and third-party processing engines designed to perform specific tasks. These AI services can be connected using utilities and verification engines.

Types of AI Services

There are various types of AI services tailored for specific tasks:

  • Scrapers: Extract documents from specified locations (e.g., mailboxes).
  • Classifiers: Identify the type of each page or document.
  • Extractors and Verifiers: Identify and verify information on documents.
  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Extract text from images.
  • Object Detection: Identify objects within images.
  • Speech Recognition: Convert speech from audio files into text.

AI Services Structure

AI services can operate in different configurations:

  • Sequence: Services execute one after another.
  • Independent: Services operate individually.
  • Parallel: Services run simultaneously.
  • Tandem: Services collaborate closely with each other.

Understanding these structures is crucial to leveraging the full potential of AI services.

AI Service Operations

AI services can be connected in ANY order.

Individual AI Services

An individual AI service operates independently and does not require input from any other service.

Dependent AI Services

Dependent AI services rely on additional functionalities, such as OCR or custom logic, which can be applied:

  • Before Processing: Enhances the input before primary processing.
  • After Processing: Improves or validates output after initial processing.


If the Microsoft Forms recognizer is inadequate, custom code can be integrated into the process to achieve the desired outcome

Dependent AI Services are set up the same way as normal AI Services

Verification AI Services

Verification AI services are triggered based on specific conditions, such as low confidence in a field. These services can be set up in the rule engine.

Verification AI Services can be set up in the Rule Engine

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