๐Ÿคต User Profile


The User Profile page allows you to view and edit various details related to your user account.

To open the User Profile page, simply select the User Profile navigation item from the Settings area of the navigation menu.


The User page allows you to edit your user details, and change your password

Edit your details

  1. Edit or fill in the User Details you want to change or add.
  2. Click on the Update User button in the command bar.

Your Username and User cannot be changed

Profile Picture

A profile picture is a picture of you or your company

To upload a new profile picture

  1. Click on the Upload New Picture button
  2. Select your profile picture.


External Account

  1. New Users: If you haven't previously logged in or registered with AIForged, logging in with an External Account will automatically create a new AIForged account using the publicly available details from your External Account.
  2. Existing Users: If you already have an AIForged account, you can link an External Account to your existing AIForged account. This can be done via your User Profile settings. Once linked, you can log in using either your AIForged credentials or the linked External Account.

Available External Accounts:

  • Microsoft
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter
  • GitHub
  • LinkedIn
  • Azure Active Directory (via Microsoft)

  • Click on the Link External Login Provider button.

  • Select an External Provider from the list of providers.
  • Sign in to the provider.
  • Your unique provider link ID will appear within the External Provider Card if the link is successful.

To unlink a specific provider simply click on the Unlink button in the External Provider Card.

Multi Factor Autehntication

See Multi-Factor Authentication


API keys offer a unique key to authenticate yourself programmatically

View your API Key

Notification Preferences

Notifications are sent on a OPT-IN Basis

Setting up your notifications

  1. Choose the event that you would like to be notified
  2. Create a notification group
  3. Enter the notification type
  4. Provide the recipiants
  5. Save the changes


Teaching Tips

Teaching Tips displays hints on various pages regarding usage and functionality.

Teaching Tips can be disabled globally for your user account by toggling the Teaching Tips Toggle to off.

General Setting

General Settings contain the preferences of the logged-in user.

These settings affect the overall look and feel of the UI

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