Get Document Data


  • Input
    • Document Id
      • Type:int
      • Description: The unique identifier of the document for which to retrieve blob data. This is a required argument.
    • Data Types
      • Type:List<DocumentDataType?>
      • Description: A list of data types to filter the returned data by. This is an optional argument.
    • Content Type
      • Type:string
      • Description: The content MIME type to filter the returned data by. This is an optional argument.
    • Text
      • Type:string
      • Description: Text to filter the returned data by. This is an optional argument.
    • Blob Id
      • Type:int?
      • Description: A specific blob ID to retrieve data for. This is an optional argument.
    • Page Index
      • Type:int?
      • Description: A specific page index to retrieve data for. This is an optional argument.
    • Image Count
      • Type:int?
      • Description: The maximum number of images/blobs to return. This is an optional argument.


  1. Setup Activity:
    • Add the "Get Document Data" activity to your UiPath workflow.
    • Configure the required input argument:
      • Document Id: Provide the ID of the document whose data blobs you wish to retrieve.
    • Optionally, specify any of the following to filter the results:
      • Data Types: Filter by the list of specified data types.
      • Content Type: Filter by a specific MIME type.
      • Text: Filter by specific text content.
      • Blob Id: Retrieve data for a specific blob ID.
      • Page Index: Retrieve data for a specific page index.
      • Image Count: Limit the number of images/blobs returned.
  2. Execution:
    • The activity executes asynchronously, retrieving the document's data blobs based on the specified criteria.
    • It uses the configured API context to access the data via the document client.
  3. Output:
    • The activity returns aList<DocumentDataViewModel>, representing the filtered data blobs for the specified document.


  • Data Filtering: Utilize the optional filters effectively to retrieve only the necessary data, improving performance and reducing processing time.
  • Data Integrity: Ensure that the document ID and any specified filters are valid and accessible to avoid errors during the retrieval process.
  • Further Processing: The resulting list ofDocumentDataViewModelobjects can be used for further processing, analysis, or reporting within your workflow.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""