Service users

manage users

  • You can manage your shared users and marketplace users

Invite external user

external user

  1. Click the "Invite some external user"
  2. Type in the user email address and a message
  3. Click the "Send Invitation button"

external user

  1. Click in the Grid on the user you want to unlink
  2. Type in the user email address and a message
  3. Click the "Unlink Selected" in the app bar

external user

  1. Type in the search bar the name, or username of the user you want to add
  2. Check the correct user under "Found users from search"
  3. Check the permision you want to give the user
  4. Click the "Link Selected Users" in the app bar

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""