AIForged Classifier

AiForged Classifier is a classification engine that uses supervised ML techniques to identify each page and group them into their respective classes.

AIForged Classifier is relatively cheap and reliable and requires little to no maintenance throughout the project's lifetime

Creating an AIforged classifier

Before you start:

Be sure to have the following at hand:

  • At least 5-10 examples of each class/ category you want to classify
  • A Project with sufficient credits

Initialize the service

  1. Navigate to the project in which you want to add the classifier
  2. Create an AIforged classifier

Setting up the Classifier

  1. Navigate to the AIForged classifier's Wizard
  2. Tune the service to the specification
EnabledEnable processing in the Service
Auto ExecutionAutomatically process documents in the service
Force PDF ImageRemoves any artifacts or hidden objects on the PDF. (Only process the PDFs as images)
Merge To PDFGroup the classification results into individual PDFs based on the classes.

Training the classifier

After the setup is completed, it is time to train the classifier with custom data

  1. Define the classes:

    Navigate to categories, and add all the possible categories

  1. Upload your data: Navigate to Training, and upload each class

Only one class can be uploaded at a time

  1. Confirm the information
  2. Train the classifier:

Processing documents

Once the service is trained, documents can now be uploaded to the inbox and processed

Your AIForged classifier is now ready to use!\

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""