📧 Email Scraper


Email scrapers are designed to check for new emails in a mailbox periodically. If new emails are found, the scraper downloads them into the service.

Once the email is scraped, an attachment utility can be used to retrieve all the attachments from the email.

Supported Platforms

  • Gmail
  • Microsoft 365

Any email provider can be used if the correct settings are applied

Setup Guide

  1. Create an Email Scraping service
  1. Navigate to the wizard
  1. Apply the following settings

Service Type: IMAP

Server: Your Email Server Default (outlook.office365.com)

Port: Email Port Default 993

Username: The Email address that will be used for scraping

Password: The Email address Password

Remove XOAUTH2: No

Folder: The folder to monitor

Processed Folder: The folder to move processed emails

Service Type: IMAP

Server: Your Email Server Default (imap.gmail.com)

Port: Email Port Default 993

Username: The Email address that will be used for scraping

Password: The Email address App-Specific Password


Folder: The folder to monitor

Processed Folder: The folder to move processed emails

Remember to switch on "Auto Execution"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""