Update Document Status


  • Input
    • Document Id
      • Type:int
      • Description: The unique identifier of the document whose status you wish to update. This is a required argument.
    • Document Status
      • Type:DocumentStatus
      • Description: The new status to be assigned to the document. This is a required argument.


  1. Setup Activity:
    • Add the "Update Document Status" activity to your UiPath workflow.
    • Configure the required input arguments:
      • Document Id: Provide the ID of the document whose status needs to be updated.
      • Document Status: Specify the new status for the document.
  2. Execution:
    • The activity executes asynchronously, retrieving the specified document, updating its status, and then saving the changes.
    • It uses the configured API context to access and update the document data via the document client.
  3. Output:
    • The activity returns an updatedDocumentViewModel, representing the document with the newly applied status.


  • Data Integrity: Ensure that the document ID is valid and accessible to avoid errors during the update process.
  • Concurrency: Be cautious when updating document status in environments where multiple processes might access or modify the same document simultaneously to prevent data inconsistency.
  • Logging: The activity includes error logging, which can be enabled through the API configuration for troubleshooting purposes.
  • Permissions: Verify that the necessary permissions are in place for the user or application performing the update operation to prevent unauthorized actions.

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