Parameter Definitions Related Methods

The following methods are available regarding parameter definition management.

FindParameterDef(int id) Try to find a parameter definition by ID. The parameter definition object, if found.
FindParameterDef(string name, int? parentId = null, int? classId = null, List\ categories = null, List\ grouping = null, List\ vtypes = null) Try to find a parameter definition by filter criteria. The parameter definition object, if found.
FindParameterDef(string name, int stpdId, int? parentId = null, int? classId = null, List\ categories = null, List\ grouping = null, List\ vtypes = null) Try to find a parameter definition by filter criteria. The parameter definition object, if found.
FindSetting(string name) Try to find a service setting by name. The parameter definition object, if found.
FindSetting(IParameterDef stpd, string name, int? parentId) Try to find a service setting by name. The parameter definition object, if found.
CopyDocument(IDocument doc, int stpdId, DocumentStatus status, UsageType usage, int? categoryId = null, bool? resetCategory = null) Copies the document to another service. The copied document object.
MoveDocument(IDocument doc, int stpdId, DocumentStatus status, UsageType usage, int? categoryId = null, bool? resetCategory = null) Moves a document to another service. The moved document.
CloneDocumentForTraining(IDocument doc) Clone a document to the training box of a service. The cloned document.
CheckIfDocumentAlreadyInTrainingBox(IDocument doc) Checks whether a document has already been added to the training box of a service. True if the document exists, false if not.

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