

The ValueType enum specifies the data type of the value that is expected for the Parameter defined by the Parameter Definition. The ValueType allows the Rules Engine to run the correct ruleset when verifying the results of an operation.

Each ValueType has a pre-defined set of rules that can be configured before, during, or after the training of a service.


None0No datatype specified
String1A String data type.
Number2A Number data type is typically used on fields where no alphabet or special characters are expected.
Currency3A Currency data type is typically used where prices/amounts are expected.
Boolean4A Boolean data type is typically used where checkmarks are expected.
DateTime5A DateTime data type is used where dates and/or timestamps are expected.
TimeSpan6A TimeStamp data type is used where timestamps are expected.
E-mail7An E-mail data type is typically used where e-mail addresses are expected.
Enum8An Enum data type is typically used where enum variables are expected.
Picture9A Picture data type is typically used where image processing is required, such as signature detection, object detection, etc.
Password10A Password data type is used where password data needs to be handled.
SecureString11A SecureStringdata type is typically used where encrypted data needs to be handled.
Address12An Address data type is used where addresses are expected.
IDNo13An IDNo data type is used where ID Numbers are expected.
Country14A Country data type is used where country information is expected.
Code15A Code data type is used where Custom Code is implemented.
TelephoneNo17A TelephoneNo type is typically used where telephone numbers are expected.
GPS18A GPS data type is typically used where GPS coordinates are expected.
ServiceType19A ServiceType data type is used for a Service definition.
Data90A Data data type is used when handling raw data, like blobs.
DataSet91A Data data type is used when handling Custom Datasets.
System98System data type.
Unknown99An unknown data type.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""