Save Dataset


  • Input
    • Existing Dataset
      • Type:CustomDataSet
      • Description: The existing dataset to save. This is a required argument. Make sure to provide the dataset object with any modifications you wish to apply.
    • Merge Existing Data
      • Type:bool?
      • Description: Specifies whether to overwrite or merge existing data. This is an optional argument.


  1. Setup Activity:
    • Add the "Save Dataset" activity to your UiPath workflow.
    • Configure the required input argument:
      • Existing Dataset: Provide theCustomDataSetobject with any changes that need to be saved.
    • Optionally, specify:
      • Merge Existing Data: Set totrueif you want to merge the changes with existing data, orfalseto overwrite existing data.
  2. Execution:
    • The activity executes asynchronously, saving the changes to the specified dataset.
    • It uses the configured API context to save the dataset via the dataset client.
  3. Output:
    • The activity returns anint, typically representing a status code or identifier related to the save operation, depending on the implementation.


  • Data Integrity: Ensure that the dataset object contains valid and correct information before saving to avoid data corruption or loss.
  • Merge Option: Use the merge option carefully to control whether changes should replace existing data or be combined with it.
  • Permissions: Verify that the necessary permissions are in place for the user or application saving the dataset to prevent unauthorized actions.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling to manage potential issues such as network connectivity problems or invalid input data.

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