
The Reports Page provides access to various reports for Projects, Services, Documents, Work Flow, etc. for the logged-in user. Select the Reports navigation item from the main navigation menu to open the Reports Page.

These pages are Interactive, and you can actively adjust filters or drill into report objects.

The navigation panel at the bottom of the Reports Page provides access to a broad selection of reporting categories and scopes.

There are currently 34 Report Views available:

Name Description
Overview An overview of projects, services, and documents
Projects Information regarding projects.
Project Users Information regarding project users.
Documents Distribution of documents across projects and services, usages, statuses, and categories.
Document Dates Document usage over time.
Project Docs Document distribution across projects.
User Docs Documents by user.
Docs Usage Documents by usage type.
Category Docs Documents by category.
Docs Processing Count The number of documents processed over time.
Docs Processing Performance The average document processing durations over time.
Verification Processing Count The number of verification results produced by document processing.
Verification Processing Performance The average duration for verification rules to run on processed documents.
Docs Flow The flow of documents within services and between inboxes and outboxes.
Service Settings Settings of services by rule type, grouping, project, service, or service type.
Fields by Type Document field count by rule type, grouping, project, service, or service type.
Fields by Name Document field count by name.
Parameters by Rule Document parameter count by rule type, service type, project, service, grouping, or category.
Parameters by Name Document parameter count by name.
Parameters Hierarchy Frequency of parameters used.
Validation Accuracy The average confidence values of verifications/validations.
Validation Providers The average confidence values by rule type.
Validation Performance The average duration of verifications/validations per provider.
Work Status Report on Work Items by status, action, type, method, etc.
User Work by Date Report on Work Items by status, action, type, method, etc. grouped by assigned user and date.
Work by Fields Report on shred work items, grouped by field.
Work by User Report on work items grouped by user.
Work Flow Report on work item movement between users.
Work Escalation Report on work item escalation assignment.
Credits Credit capturing, bundles, and payment history.
Usage Service usage over time.
Usage Pivot Shows usage per service and service type.
User Usage Pivot Shows usage per service and service type per user.
Marketplace Shows users per project and service on the marketplace.
Marketplace Usage Shows users per project and service on the marketplace.

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