โ Document Attributes
Document Attributes
Each document has attributes associated with it:
Field Name | Description |
Id | A unique identifier is assigned to each document. |
Master ID | An identifier is used to connect documents in a hierarchical flow from different locations. |
Filename | The name of the file as stored in the system. |
Category | The classification of the document. |
Type | The Type of document |
Usage | Indicates where the document is used. |
Status | The current state or condition of the document. |
Date Created | Displays the date the Document was uploaded to AiForged |
Comment | Free text comment on the document |
Result | The result of the AI-Service (Usally only Applicable in OCR/ Classification services) |
External ID | A User-Defined ID that is not used by default, can be utilized to use 3-rd party ID's |
Actions | The Actions that are available in the document |