👤 Managing Users

Once the groups and roles have been created, users can be assigned to them. Assigning users to roles grants them access to the associated project and its services.

Adding Users to a Role

By adding a user to a role, you share the project and all of its services with that user

By adding a user to a role, you share the project and all of its services with that user. Follow these steps to add a user to a role:

  1. Navigate to Usergroups: Access the Usergroups section in AIForged.
  2. Select the Group: Choose the group containing the role you want to manage.
  3. Select the Role: Click on the role to which you want to add users.
  4. Add Users:
    • Link an Existing User:
      • Click on "Add a member".
        • Within the Organization: Search for users within the organization and select the user(s) to assign them to the role.
        • Outside the Organization: If the user is not within the organization, select "Send invitation"

AIForged will send an invitation that needs to be accepted

  • Create a New User:

    • Select "Create a user".
    • Enter the necessary details to create a new user profile and assign them to the role.
  • Confirm Assignment: Complete the process to finalize the user assignment.

Removing users from a Role

Removing a user from a role will revoke their access to the associated project and its services

  1. Navigate to Usergroups: Access the Usergroups section in AIForged.
  2. Select the Group: Choose the group containing the role you want to manage.
  3. Select the Role: Click on the role from which you want to remove users.
  4. Find the User: Use the search functionality or browse the list to find the user.
  5. Click More Options: Click on the "More options" button next to the user you want to remove.
  6. Delete the User from the Role: Select the delete option to remove the user from the role.
  7. Confirm Removal: Complete the process to finalize the user removal.

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