Analyze Transaction details


Displays the detailx of each transaction

Filter transactions


To filter the transactions page click select your filters, then click filter

Available filters


  • From Date
  • To date
  • Time interval
  • Project
  • Service
  • Users

Available Fields

Field Name Description
Id Displays the project name
Date Displays the date of the transaction
Project Displays the project name
Service Displays the service name
Count Displays the current credits used
Tokens Displays your remaining token count for that project


Usage by Weekday pie Chart

transactions ussage

The Usage by Weekday piechart displays the usage of all your services by weekday

Usage by Date pie Chart

transactions ussage by service

The Usage by date piechart displays the usage of all your services by date


transactions usage by service

  • Clicking on the "Export to Excel" in the Action bar will download an excel export file to your local machine

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