Get Work Items


Creates a work item of a document

Display Name

Create Work Item


Comment - \ The work item message

Context - Requires a context for the connection to AIForged. Includes connection configuration information, user information, and authentication information. This is a regular VB or C# expression.

Document Id - \ A List of unique document IDs to create a work item from

End Date - \ Filter up to end date

Page No - \ FIlter by page number (only applicable when page size is set)

Page Size - \ The maximum number of results to be returned on a page (Enter page No, to display all results)

ProjectId - \The unique identifier that was automatically assigned by AiForged to identify the specific project

Shred Id - \ Filter by a unique shred's ID

Sort Direction - \ Sort Results in a specific direction

Sort Field - \ Sort Result by specific field

Start Date - \ Filter from a starting date

Work Item Action - \ Filter by a work item action that the user should perform

Work Item Status - \Filter by the work item status

Work Item Type - \Filter By work item's type


Private - If not selected, the values of variables and arguments are at Verbose level.



Activity Preview

Activity View

Activity Property View

results matching ""

    No results matching ""