

The GroupingType enum specifies the group that a Parameter Definition belongs to. This is useful when processing fields or Parameters of a certain kind.


None0No grouping specified.
Page1The parameter definition relates to a Page type. This definition is the parent for page element definitions, like Paragraphs, Tables, Anchors, Fields, etc.
Cluster2The parameter definition relates to a Cluster type.
Table3The parameter definition relates to a Table type. This definition is the parent for all Row and Column definitions.
Row4The parameter definition relates to a Row type.
Column5The parameter definition relates to a Column type.
Paragraph7The parameter definition relates to a Paragraph type. This definition is the parent of Line definitions in the document.
Line8The parameter definition relates to a Line type. This definition is the parent of Word definitions in the document.
Word9The parameter definition relates to a Word type.
Array10The parameter definition relates to an Array type. This definition may be used with list elements that are not Custom Tables.
Form11The parameter definition relates to a Form type. This parameter definition is the parent for all page definitions in the document.
Field12The parameter definition relates to a Field type. This definition is typically used for any Custom Labels on a document.
Anchor13The parameter definition relates to an Anchor type. This definition is used internally by AIForged to anchor Fields/Custom Labels to a certain location in the document.
Unknown99Unkown groupng type.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""