
The Transactions page lists all transactions made by each service and can be viewed by selecting the Transactions navigation item from the main navigation menu.

You can drill into the transactions of specific Projects or Services by clicking its name in the list of transactions.

Filter Transactions

The From and To date filters can be set to view transactions in any time window.

The list of Transactions can be exported to Microsoft Excel format (xlsx) by selecting Export To Excel.

Available Fields

Token Usage

Field Name Description
Project Displays the project name
Service Displays the service name
Service type Displays the type of service
User Displays the user name
Count Displays the current credits used
Tokens Displays your remaining token count for that project

Token Credits

Field Name Description
Project Displays the project name
Bundle Displays the service name
User Displays the user name
Count Displays the current credits used
Tokens Displays your remaining token count for that project


  1. Clicking on View All Transaction Details in the Action bar will navigate you to the Transaction Details page for the specific Project.

    This view will show a detailed summary of Transactions for the Project.

  2. Clicking on View Details in the Action bar will navigate you to the Transaction Details page for the specific Service.

    This view will show a detailed summary of Transactions for the Service.

  3. Clicking on Open Service will open the Service Detail View for the Service.

Table of contents