Document Verification



verification usage

1.Click on any of the tags 2.Click on the "Usage" command in the command bar 3.This will open up the usage page you can view the usage page Here

Cost Analysis

verification Cost Analysis

  • The "Cost Analysis" Command takes you to the Analytics page Here


verification Definition

  • The "Definition" Command takes you to the Cost Analysis page [Todo]

Rerun Verification

verification Rerun

  • The "Rerun Verification" Command takes you to the Cost Analysis page [Todo]

Structured Data

verification Structured Data

  • The "Structured Data" Command takes you to the Cost Analysis page [Todo]

View Document

verification View Document

  • The "View Document" Command opens the document on your local machine

verification Copy Link

  • The "Copy Link" Command coppies a sharable link to the verification of th, you can share this verification with other AIForged users



  • The "Verification" Command takes you to the Cost Analysis page [Todo]


verification Publish

  • The "Publish" Command allows you to publiish changes made[Todo]

results matching ""

    No results matching ""