

The Initialize activity creates a connection context to AIForged with authenticated user information and token.


Display Name



Context - Requires a context for the connection to AIForged. Includes connection configuration information, user information, and authentication information. This is a regular VB or C# expression.

Password โ€“ (deprecated) - AIForged.API Password used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is String.

SecurePassword โ€“ The AIForged.API SecurePassword used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is SecureString.

Timeout โ€“ API Connection timeout on queries. The variable type is TimeSpan.

URL โ€“ AIForged.API endpoint base URL. The variable type is String.

Username โ€“ AIForged.API username used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is String.


Private - If not selected, the values of variables and arguments are at the Verbose level.

Result - Returns AIForged.API.Context


User - It will return an output of API.UserViewModel. The output will contain all user information.


ProxyPassword - (deprecated) - AIForged.API proxy SecurePassword for the proxy server. The variable type is SecureString.

ProxyServer โ€“ This is the proxy server address. The variable type is String.

ProxyUsername - This is the proxy server address username. The variable type is String.

Activity Preview

Activity View

Activity Property View

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""