

The Initialize activity creates a connection context to AIForged with authenticated user information and token.


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Context - Requires a context for the connection to AIForged. Includes connection configuration information, user information, and authentication information. This is a regular VB or C# expression.

Password – (deprecated) - AIForged.API Password used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is String.

SecurePassword – The AIForged.API SecurePassword used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is SecureString.

Timeout – API Connection timeout on queries. The variable type is TimeSpan.

URL – AIForged.API endpoint base URL. The variable type is String.

Username – AIForged.API username used when creating your AIForged account. The variable type is String.


Private - If not selected, the values of variables and arguments are at the Verbose level.

Result - Returns AIForged.API.Context


User - It will return an output of API.UserViewModel. The output will contain all user information.


ProxyPassword - (deprecated) - AIForged.API proxy SecurePassword for the proxy server. The variable type is SecureString.

ProxyServer – This is the proxy server address. The variable type is String.

ProxyUsername - This is the proxy server address username. The variable type is String.

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