Copy Document


  • Input
    • Documents Id's
      • Type:List<int>
      • Description: List of document IDs to be copied. This is a required argument to specify which documents will be copied.
    • Target Project Id
      • Type:int
      • Description: The unique project identifier where you want to copy the documents. This is a required argument.
    • Target Service Id
      • Type:int
      • Description: The unique service identifier where you want to copy the documents. This is a required argument.
    • Usage Type
      • Type:AIForged.API.UsageType
      • Description: The usage type for the copied documents, such asUsageType.Inbox. This is a required argument.
      • Default Value:UsageType.Inbox
    • Document Status
      • Type:AIForged.API.DocumentStatus
      • Description: The status for the copied documents, such asDocumentStatus.Received. This is a required argument.
      • Default Value:DocumentStatus.Received
    • Persist Original Data
      • Type:bool
      • Description: Indicates whether to persist document data from the source to the target.
      • Default Value:true
    • Clear Document Category
      • Type:bool
      • Description: Indicates whether to clear the document category in the target service after copying.
      • Default Value:false


  1. Setup Activity:
    • Add the "Copy Document" activity to your UiPath workflow.
    • Configure the required input arguments:
      • Provide the list of document IDs (Documents Id's) that you want to copy.
      • Specify theTarget Project IdandTarget Service Idwhere the documents will be copied.
      • Set the desiredUsage TypeandDocument Statusfor the copied documents.
    • Configure optional arguments based on your needs:
      • SetPersist Original Datatotrueif you want to maintain the original document data from source to target.
      • SetClear Document Categorytotrueif you want to remove document categories in the target service.
  2. Execution:
    • The activity will execute asynchronously, copying the specified documents to the target project and service, applying the given usage type and status.
    • IfClear Document Categoryis set totrue, the category information will be cleared from the copied documents in the target service.
  3. Output:
    • The activity returns aList<DocumentViewModel>, representing the copied documents in the target service.


  • Data Integrity: Ensure that the target project and service IDs are valid and accessible within your system to prevent errors during the copy operation.
  • Performance: Copying a large number of documents may impact performance. Consider handling such operations in batches if needed.
  • Flexibility: The activity provides flexibility in managing document metadata, such as usage type and status, during the copy process.

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    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""