Forgot Password

  • The Forgot Password page can be used in the event that you are unable to login to your account and need to reset your password.
  • You will receive a reset password email with instructions on how to reset your password.

Required details

  • The unique Username/Email Address that you registered with.


If you experience any difficulty in requesting a password reset please check the following

  • Ensure that your Device is connected to the Internet.
  • If you are using AIForged on a business or enterprise network, please check with your network administrators that the AIForged Service Endpoint URL is allowed outbound access via your network. This URL can be found in the Settings section of the AIForged Studio.
  • If you have deployed AIForged on-premises, please make sure to add the correct Service Endpoint URL in the Settings section of the AIForged Studio.
  • Check that the reset password email has not been filtered into your junk or spam folder.
  • Ensure that your details have been entered correctly and that you passed the reCAPTCHA verification.