↗️ Processing documents


Once a document is uploaded, one can start to think about processing to produce an output

Processing can be done in various ways:

  • Desktop App (manual)
  • Auto Batch Processing

Processing a document produces a result file, Processing it multiple times, produces multiple output files

Processing documents in the Desktop app

  1. Open the service Inbox
  2. Select the documents to be processed
  3. select "Process selected documents"
  4. Tune the processing parameters

Auto processing

This is set up in the service settings. This will automatically process documents in the received state

  1. Open the service wizard
  2. Set Processing Batch Size Recommended 10 -30 documents
  3. set Execution Interval
  4. set Auto Execuion to True

Documents older than 7 days will not be auto-processed

API Processing

Refer to API/ SDK/ BOT documentation

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