Field Rules (Rules Engine)
After data has been extracted by a Service from a document, the AIForged Rules Engine is invoked to validate the OCR text returned. A certain Rule Type can be applied to a field on a document to trigger manual Human-in-the-Loop intervention when the OCR test does not meet the conditions of the Rule. A Rule can also be used to correct the OCR text (such as converting letters to a corresponding number where a number is expected) or matching format patterns (such as matching date patterns containing special characters like '/' or '-', or e-mail addresses expecting characters like '@' and '.').
One of the following can be assigned to a field on a document, and is explained in detail in the following sections:
- Address
- Boolean
- Code
- Country
- Currency
- DateTime
- E-mail Address
- Enum
- GPS Coordinates
- ID NUmber
- Number
- Password
- Picture
- Secure String
- String
- Telephone Number
- Timespan
To setup a Rule, select any field on a document, and select Show Definition.
This will open the dialogue to select and configure the Rule. The Rule Type can be assigned here for the selected field.